We All Shine Productions is a theatre company that was created in response to theatres closing down due to COVID-19, in an attempt to keep theatre alive in the hearts of patrons and performers. As things start to return to normal, we are beginning to offer in-person productions, while still maintaining international connections by continuing to produce quality virtual theatre for people to enjoy from the comfort of their homes.
We collaborate with up and coming playwrights, musicians, artists and performers of all disciplines to offer a wide variety of topics, themes and genres as part of our creative productions. Most of our shows center around a specific theme and will include 2-3 short plays, as well as a variety of artistic performances or presentations.
Our mission is to create a network of artists who we collaborate with to create innovative theatrical and artistic presentations. We aim to think outside the box in order to find new and interesting ways to perform, and we pride ourselves in being ever evolving.
Christine Fraser
Founder and Artistic Director